General Questions

Q1: What is DGNRave?
A1: DGNRave is a classified listing website where users can buy, sell, and discover a wide range of products and services in various categories.
Q2: How does DGNRave work?
A2: Users can create accounts, post classified ads for items or services they want to sell, and browse through listings to find what they need. Buyers and sellers can communicate directly through our platform to finalize transactions.
Q3: Is it free to use DGNRave?
A3: Yes, creating an account and posting basic listings is free. However, certain premium features or promotions may have associated costs.

User Accounts and Registration

Q4: How do I create an account on DGNRave?
A4: To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button, fill in the required information, and follow the instructions. You'll need a valid email address to complete the registration process.
Q5: Can I change my account details?
A5: Yes, you can update your account information, including your email address and password, in the account settings.
Q6: What should I do if I forgot my password?
A6: Click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page, enter your email address, and follow the instructions sent to your email to reset your password.

Listing and Selling

Q7: How do I post a listing on DGNRave?
A7: Log in to your account, click on "Post a Listing," fill in the details of your item or service, add images, and submit your listing. Ensure your listing complies with our terms and conditions.
Q8: Can I edit or delete my listing?
A8: Yes, you can edit or delete your listings from your account dashboard.
Q9: Are there any restrictions on the types of items I can sell?
A9: DGNRave has policies in place to ensure a safe and positive user experience. Please review our guidelines to understand what items or services are prohibited.

Buying and Transactions

Q10: How do I contact a seller?
A10: Click on the listing you're interested in, and use the contact options provided by the seller, such as messaging through our platform or using the contact information they've provided.
Q11: Is DGNRave involved in the transaction process?
A11: No, DGNRave is a platform for connecting buyers and sellers. The transaction and payment processes are conducted directly between the parties involved.
Q12: How can I report a suspicious or fraudulent listing?
A12: If you come across a suspicious listing, please use the "Report" button on the listing page, or contact our support team with details.

Support and Assistance

Q13: How do I get help if I encounter issues on DGNRave?
A13: Visit our "Contact Us" page or email [] for assistance. Our support team will respond as soon as possible.
Q14: What should I do if I encounter a scam or fraudulent activity?
A14: Report any scams or fraudulent activities to our support team immediately. We take such incidents seriously and will investigate promptly.